Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Prenup Preview

Ian finally posted one of our prenuptial photos! eyey! :D
Awesome! really like the aesthetic sense of this guy! i love how the photo of us was captured on top of the railway..a-ma-zing! so pleased with the outcome :) ian made the knee-shaking and heart-throbbing scene all worth it :) aedz and i climbed up the 6-foot railway in our formal wear...hussssh i was wearing slippers behind that bulky gown so i can climb up that rail hihi...and oh yes, underneath that calm and romantic facade was the fear of falling down :$ scaaary but ian had his way of making the scene smooth and took the shots he needed in a jiffy :) thanks, ian! :)

20 hours after posting the photo, there were already 77 likes and 30 comments... Ian, you already!!! :) ... in two days it has 102 likes and 32 comments! wuhoooo! ian, you rock dude!
here's the screenshot from my iphone....

Aedz and I are excited to see the rest of the photos...keep it coming, ian! :)

After the photoshoot, Aedz and I couldn't stop talking of how fun our day was despite the scorching heat of the sun and rundown. we enjoyed every minute of our photoshoot! :) i enjoyed the piggy back ride with aedz (aedz had his on-the-spot workout wuhooo :P)...running in my three inches heels...running-and-chasing-kite scenes...running in heels on a damp golf course ground...masquerade-like scene...lying in the middle of tagaytay highlands road...every scene and every minute of it was fun and artsy :) aedz and I did all what ian said. no hesitations, no dawdling, no averseness...we just simply trust him. See you this September in Singapore, dude! :) please don't forget our raw photos ;)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Aedner & i would like to thank everyone who helped us process our wedding documents, tagaytay highlands booking and permit, and who accomodated us in Sta. Ana! :)
Also, to those who helped us with our props for the photoshoot and all those who made our engagement photooshoot very memorable! :)

To our amazing photographer, Ian Santillan, thank you so much! :) So inspired to pose in front of your camera because of your artsy sexy choreography already!!! :D If anyone looking for a photographer who is fun to work with and has superb skills then he is the man to call for... Ian Santillan Photography! :) Also bunch of thanks to Aila Fadera for taking some of the shots and helping us out in the set...especially with the balloons! that was sweet ^_^

To our fabulous hair and make-up artist, Randy Gabin, thank you for making me feel beautiful. I love my hair and my makeup! mwah! Special thanks for retouching my makeup every after aedz and i kiss hihihi and fixing my hair several times on the windy golf course photoshoot :)

To our catering account manager, OTD wedding coordinator, pastry chef, wedding couture, and church officers...thank you for helping us out with our intricate wedding details.

To Tita Lily and Tita Flor for helping us process our wedding documents in City Hall. Thank you so much for your time :)

To Ate Malou and her Tagaytay Highlands friends for helping us process the photoshoot booking and permit...Kuya Romar and Ate Malou, thank you for the advance wedding gift! :)

To Ate Rochelle, Elisha, Ate Malou, Nanay, and family thank you so much for accommodating us in Sta. Ana! :)

To Joshua and Reyes family, thank you so much for helping us with our photoshoot props. Also for the sumptuous dinner before our flight back to singapore.

To Mama and Ate Nhow, thank you so much for the utmost support from preparing of props, dress and other prenuptial photoshoot thingies..for the delicious dinner and breakfast you prepared and for taking good care of us during our short stay in the philippines...we love you both so much.

And most of all, to the Lord for He helped us all the way through. Thank You so much Lord for the sunny weather during the photoshoot, we were able to use the kite, pinwheel, balloons for props and had a lot of fun! :) All of these would not be possible without Your guidance. Thank You so much! *hugs*